2020 Team Retreats
BBCF Staff Retreat (LW, DH, FL):
Unable to happen in March 2020 due to COVID-19 Interruption.
When is realistic date for such a thing given current crisis situation. Late summer?
TRHT Core Team Year End Retreat: (GULF COAST OF ALABAMA)
Ear-mark 3 days in December 2020 (first week)
RFP to Gulf Coast Tourism (Mary Staciewicz), by August 2020.
Keep in mind Gulf State Park Lodge to price against Island House or other options.
(This is a superior property and is run by State of Alabama Tourism.)
5 persons, Core Team, plus one facilitator.
Consider extension of invite to new coordinator, Laura Donovan and new Technical Assistant
Total attendance could be 8 person, plus permitted spouses or sig. other.
In negotiation, insist on COVID-19 fore majeure/cancellation clause in case of later surge and possible late fall/winter health shutdowns.