EJI Lynching Marker Homecoming in Selma, Alabama

Contacted Selma City Council member, Susan Youngbood, for project resource person. She is willing.
Site selection, creative discussion. Susan, TRHT Selma team, others.
Now that COVID-19 Tourist Attractions can re-open. Have requested phone meeting with appropriate contact for EJI.
Requesting dimensions and weight specifics of marker
Explore what resources EJI can make available. (Evaluate our $20K allocation.)
Establish GREEN LIGHT date with EJI
Public Relations campaign will be set to work on established timeline.
Keep a dream of the possibility for this to be in motion or completed by November/December of 2020. "Pipe Dream" of something to happen during place leads conference, November 16 - 20.
Using the place leads conference dates as possible leverage to push EJI into action on this.